
Archive for the ‘Releases’ Category

WPMU Ldap 4.0 Released

August 22nd, 2012 1 comment

It’s been a while, and this is long over due.  There are a number of changes with the 4.0 release of the plugin.

  • The SourceForge WPMU Ldap project and code base will no longer be updated.  This website will still exist, but the primary hosting for the plugin has been moved to WordPress (
  • Since WPMU and WP merged code bases, things have come a long way.  Starting with version 4.0, the plugin should now be installed in the standard “plugin” folder and activated “Network Wide” and requires WordPress 3.2+.  This will allow for much easier installations and also notifications of upgrades.

Now, for those of you that are running this plugin currently – don’t worry, the migration is fairly simple.

  1. Make sure you have a network admin enabled non-ldap account setup and available in the blog
  2. Remove the current plugin from mu-plugins (all configuration options will stay in the WP database)
  3. Install version 4.x of the plugin into the standard plugins folder
  4. Network Activate the plugin
  5. Thats it! The plugin should now be re-activated with all of your previous settings.

So, go get it – try it out, and let me know if there are any issues!

WPMU Ldap Authentication Plugin:

Categories: Releases Tags:

WPMU Ldap 3.1.1 Released

March 23rd, 2011 6 comments

I have fixed a few of the minor bugs that have popped up.  See the changelog for details.  I have also correctly bumped the revision number in the scripts (sorry about that).

As a reminder, the plugin should be installed in the “mu-plugins” folder.  This folder does not exist by default in 3.x – but you can create it (wp-content/mu-plugins).  See the documentation for more info.

The plugin can be download from the Sourceforge project page.  As always, I hope you enjoy it and please report any problems or suggestions you might have!

Categories: Releases Tags:

WPMU Ldap 3.1 Released

February 24th, 2011 12 comments

With the release of wordpress 3.1, some of the core functions the plugins used had to be modified.  Because of this, the 3.1 release of the plugin is *only* available with WordPress 3.1 and newer.  If you are still using WordPress 3.0.x, this plugin is not for you.

The main change in this release is the ability for pages to show on the network admin page, instead of the site admin page.

The plugin can be download from the Sourceforge project page.  As always, I hope you enjoy it and please report any problems or suggestions you might have!

Categories: Releases Tags:

WPMU Ldap 3.0 Released!

June 22nd, 2010 27 comments

After much work and preparation, the 3.0 plugin is ready to go.  Most of the kinks should be worked out of it, but if you notice anything please let me know!  Just like the previous versions, the plugin must be installed in the “mu-plugins” folder.  The only difference with WP 3.0, is that the folder does not exist by default.  You will need to create the “mu-plugins” folder under “wp-content”.  Drop the files in there and you should be good to go!

The plugin also now supports basic group authentication for both allow and deny groups.  Thanks to the help of Ken Newquist, we were able to test this extensively across both Active Directory and OpenLDAP platforms.  Example configurations are available on the Documentation page.

Other fixes and changes included in this release:

  • Basic deny/allow group logic
  • Changed bulk add logic to not automatically create blogs if the option is enabled – wordpress does not support this functionality
  • Fixed issues with connection check not working when plugin is not enabled
  • Fixed typo in default ldaps port in the documentation
  • Fixed issue where local users would still attempt to authenticate against ldap
  • Added better error checking on failure when adding users from the add user menu

The plugin can be download from the Sourceforge project page.  As always, I hope you enjoy it and please report any problems or suggestions you might have!

Categories: Releases Tags:

WPMU Ldap 2.9 Released

January 30th, 2010 16 comments

The latest version of the WPMU Ldap plugin is now available for download.  This is a minor bugfix release – see the changlog for full details.  Even though the plugin version is 2.9 – it should continue to work with the 2.8 series of WPMU.

The plugin can be download from the Sourceforge project page.  As always, I hope you enjoy it and please report any problems or suggestions you might have!

Categories: Releases Tags:

WPMU Ldap 2.8.2 Released

July 20th, 2009 16 comments

This is a bugfix release.  With the 2.8.1 release, on first load of the login page a authentication error was being displayed.  This problem has been corrected.

The plugin can be download from the Sourceforge project page.  As always, I hope you enjoy it and please report any problems or suggestions you might have!

Categories: Releases Tags:

WPMU Ldap 2.8.1 Released

July 16th, 2009 5 comments

The latest version of the WPMU Ldap plugin is now available for download.  What happened to 2.8? Since WPMU jumped right to 2.8.1, we will too!  This version contains minor bugfixes and a few new features.  This release further integrates into the new WPMU 2.8.1 release.  The full list of changes are:

  • LDAP Attributes converted to lowercase on save
  • Experimental SSO Support
  • Changed ldap_connect attributes to match as documented
  • Removed default “Add New” option in 2.7
  • Fixed issue where display_name cannot be edited, added upgrade function to migrate existing values

In order for users to be able to modify their display name, the display_name value has been modified to edit the value directly in the users db table.  Because of this, you will need to run the function on the “Upgrade” tab to migrate over the existing values.

The plugin can be download from the Sourceforge project page.  As always, I hope you enjoy it and please report any problems or suggestions you might have!

Categories: Releases Tags:

WPMU Ldap 2.7.1 Released

April 19th, 2009 11 comments

The latest version of the WPMU Ldap plugin is now available for download.  This version contains quite a few added features, revamped administration pages along with the much requested attribute configuration!  The full list of changes are:

  • Ability for site admins to bulk add users – also configurable for blog admins to bulk add
  • Revamped administration pages
  • Added simple connection test option
  • Added new error check to report unique message back on creation failure if there is an email address conflict
  • Remove stale css entries
  • LDAP TLS Support
  • Ability for site admins to convert ldap users to local users and vice versa
  • Added ldap attribute mapping via configuration pages
  • Added config option to set the default display name format

The plugin can be download from the Sourceforge project page.  As always, I hope you enjoy it and please report any problems or suggestions you might have!

Categories: Releases Tags:

WMPU Ldap 2.7 Released

February 22nd, 2009 5 comments

The WPMU 2.7.x version of the plugin is now available for download!  The major changes in this version are:

  • Public signup disabled message now appears as an error on the login form – thanks bforchhammer
  • Updated action call for wpmu_activate_user – now requires 3 attributes
  • Changed internal handling of ldap server string to be array based – this was causing issues with passwords containing special characters – thanks gravelpot

As you can see, I have also setup a new site for the plugin where I plan to expand documentation as time exists.  As always, enjoy and report back any issues!

Categories: Releases Tags: